Category: Columns

Give us a (new) brake

October 31, 2022

Could a revolution in automotive braking be on the horizon? Almost 100 years ago, Walter Chrysler triggered a revolution in automotive braking by fitting the new car bearing his name with standard four-wheel hydraulic brakes—a feature that would become ubiquitous …

Heightened anxiety

Uncertain OEM marketing trends, coupled with the economic forecast, have many dealers feeling uneasy about the future Each fall, as the summer winds down; sunlight hours get shorter and shorter, kids head back to school, and everyone seems to get …

What’s wrong with being unique?

October 31, 2022

How Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan needs to better align with our global reading partners policies Everyone, every now and then, likes to differentiate themselves by standing out from the pack. Clothes, hairstyles, tattoos, body piercings — you name it, are …

Sand in the gears

September 30, 2022

The title for this column may be a bit anachronistic given that for a lot of modern vehicles there are no more “gears” per se.  It’s probably obvious, however, that if you did have gears in your vehicle’s transmission, or …

Search for the Holy Grail

September 30, 2022

Here are a few handy tips to closing your books within five business days What makes a solid accounting team? Most would say their ability to close the month within a reasonable time frame.  OEMs require financial statements to be …